Biltong & Trophy Hunting

Springbuck (Common, Copper & Black) Blesbuck (Common, White) Impala (Common) Red Hartbeest
Nyala Waterbuck Blue Wildebeest Eland
Kudu Zebra (Burchell & Hartmann) Gemsbuck Giraffe
Sable Warthog Livingstone
Lechwe Black Wildebeest Ostrich

Contact reception for more information

Call Winia: 082 492 3177


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Rifle Hunting:

  1.  No loaded firearms on the vehicles and at the camp.
  2. Wildlife is hunted on vehicle or foot.
  3. No hunting closer than 500m from watering holes, camps, homes.
  4. No hunting near border fences. Hunters will be held responsible for game breaking through to neighboring farms.
  5. You may only hunt from dawn to dusk. No night hunting.
  6. You must make sure of the gender, size, injury and the kind of game you want to shoot and not base a decision on the guides suggestions.
  7. No discount is allowed for small or faulty animals. You yourself draw the trigger, not the guide.
  8. No female animals may be shot!
  9. No liquor may be given to our staff.
  10. No money or tips may be given directly to staff. Tips / fees for guides and staff members must be given the owner and the owner will give it to them.
  11. The accommodation is payable for the full booking period and for the number persons you have booked for. (minimum of 2 nights)
  12. Calibers smaller than .243 or 6mm are not allowed.
  13. Animals injured are full price.
  14. No hunting on Sundays!
  15. No littering in the field. (Persons will be fined)
  16. If hunters do not show up, deposit will be forfeited. Cancellations must be 8 weeks before the hunting  trip otherwise deposit is forfeited.
  17. Damage to camp will be for hunter's account.
  18. No person under the influence of liquor will handle a gun or get the opportunity to hunt.
  19. The full account must be paid before departure. Only cash and internet payments will be accepted.
  20. Hunters must book a minimum of 2 nights.


Bow Hunting:

  1. Only crossbows and bow hunting.
  2. Hunting vehicles and two way radios will be provided. Hunters will be dropped at the hide where there is good animal activity.
  3. No one is allowed out of the hide whilst there are animals at the watering hole.
  4. No private hunting  vehicles  are allowed.
  5. No hunting from vehicles.
  6. No littering in the field (fines will be given)
  7. No female animals may be hunted.
  8. You have to look at the gender, size and specie of the animal you want to hunt. No discount will be given on small or faulty animals.
  9. Injured or shot animals are full price.
  10. No hunting on Sundays!
  11. NO hunter is allowed out of the hide when a buck has been shot. The hunter must wait for the PH to come and take him to the animal.
  12. Inyala game lodge will have no liability for any illness, accidents, or accept any injury or any costs that may result from it.